Our onboard team on each of our train services is fully vaccinated against COVID-19. This is just one way we are helping to keep you safe.
Supporting Social Distancing
We have signs and floor decals to encourage spacing throughout the station and at check-in and luggage counters to help us maintain social distancing.
Fewer Touch Points and Payments
We are operating with cashless transactions at our Travel Centres, ticket offices and onboard services. We accept credit and debit card payments only. EPTPOS machines are wiped down on a regular basis.
Due to intermittent connectivity, we are unable to accept tap and pay payments (e.g. Apple Pay) so please have your card ready to swipe or insert to assist easy payment onboard.
Enhanced Cleaning
Higher frequency cleaning of customer luggage trolleys and hard surfaces at all our staffed stations (lifts, benches, handrails, ramps, door handles, tables and chairs).
Increased routine cleaning on all trains and high frequency touch points including; handrails, door handles, buttons and sanitising of surfaces on seats and tray tables, arm rests, window ledges, grab rails, overhead lockers and rack touch points.
Weekly disinfectant fogging
Each week we undertake end-to-end disinfectant fogging of all train carriages.
Changes to our catering
We continue to operate our usual catering onboard our services. There are perspex barriers in all our food service areas and trolley services.